Devatas at Our Temple
Šlokas of the Temple Devatas – SEE HERE

Šri Mahã Vallabha Ganapati
Seated majestically in the center of the Mahã Mantapam, the Prayer Hall in His Sanctum Sanctorum is Šri Mahã (great) ...

Šri Venkatešwara
Šri Šrinivasa, or Venkatešwara, is also Šri Vishnu or Nãrãyana, and like Šri Satyanãrãyana is in a standing posture. Šri ...

Šri Mahã Lakshmi
Šri Mahã (great) Lakshmi, She is the counterpart or the šakti or female energy of Šri Vishnu. Šri Lakshmi is ...

Šri Pãrvati
The sanctum of Šri Pãrvati is installed against the rear wall of the Temple. She is referred to as the ...

Šri Saraswati
Next on the wall is Šri Saraswati, the embodiment of knowledge. She is considered as the female šakti or energy ...

Šri Hanumãn
Šri Hanumãn stands with His palms pressed together, expressing His devotion for Šri Rãmã. Šri Hanumãn was Šri Rãmã’s ardent ...

Šri Dakshinãmoorthy
Šri Dakshinãmoorthy, sits facing the South and is a foremost spiritual teacher. He is said to impart spiritual knowledge, encouraging ...

Šri Shanmukha Šri Valli & Šri Devasena
Šri Shanmukha along with Šri Valli and Šri Devasena, His consorts. Šri Shanmukha is the younger son of Šri Šiva ...

Šrī Gãyatri Mãtã
Šrī Gãyatri Mãtã is seated (on a Lotus). She is considered as Veda Mãtã – the mother of the Vedas ...

Šri Kãmãkshi & Mahã Meru
Šri Kãmãkshi in the black stone sanctum. She is another form of Šri Pãrvati. Here we see Her peaceful demeanor, ...

Šri Navagraha
Šri Navagraha, the nine planets-seven of the solar system and two lunar nodes – are believed to influence and shape ...

Šri Nãgendra Swãmy
Worship of Šri Nãgendra Swãmy (in the form of the Lord of snakes) is a part of nature worship and ...

Šri Rãghavendra Swamy
Šri Rãghavendra Swãmy (1595-1671) was a respected 16th century saint and guru (spiritual teacher) who advocated Šri Madhvachãrya’s dualism philosophy ...

Šri Rãma Parivãr (family)
Šri Rãmã is the seventh avatãr (incarnation) of Šri Vishnu. Šri Rãmã, along with His consort Šri Sita, His beloved ...

Šri Krishna & Rãdhã
Šri Krishna along with His devotee who is a gopika (caretaker of the cows) called Šri Rãdhã. He is the ...

Šri Devi Khodiyãr Mãtã
Šri Devi Khodiyãr Mãtã is an incarnation of Devi bestowed with power to help the sick and the disabled. She ...

Šri Ayyappa
Šri Ayyappa is considered to be a combination of both Šri Vishnu and Šri Šiva. His ardent devotees observe strict ...

Šri Agastiyar & Lopa Mudra
Šri Agastyar is a much revered guru (spiritual teacher) and was one of the early great sages of India. He ...

Šri Satyanãrãyana & Ramã Devi
Šri Satyanãrãyana and His consort Šri Ramã Devi. Šri Satyanãrãyana is another form of Šri Vishnu, considered to be an ...

Šri Chandrasekaraswamy & Ãnandavalli
The idols of Šri Šiva and Pãrvati as Šri Chandrasekhara Swamy and Šri Anandavalli. Šri Šiva is worshipped both with ...

Šri Atma Linga
Ãtma Linga and Sri Nandikeswara.. Here is Šiva Linga and Šri Nandikešwara in marble and metal respectively, where devotees can ...

Šri Natarãja, Sivakãmi & Mãnikkavãchakar
Šri Natarãjã, the dancing form, is another aspect of Šri Šiva. He is shown with His right foot on a ...

Šri Swarna Bhairavar
Swarna Bhairavar, is generally given the role of the custodian of the Temple. In traditional Temples, He is symbolically given ...

Šri Sudaršana & Narasimha
Šri Sudaršana Chakra: Similar to the Ankuša, the Sudaršana Chakra is also a divine weapon. Šri Sudaršana Chakra is one ...

Šri Dhanvantari & Šri Garuda
Šri Dhanvantari is another form of Šri Vishnu holding a pot filled with life giving elixir. This elixir is also ...

Šri Venkatešwara, Šridevi & Bhudevi
The utsava vigrahas of Šri Venkatešwara and Šri Devi (Šri Lakshmi) and Sri Bhū Devi (Mother Earth) ...