Divya Prabhanda & Veda Classes

Online Virtual Classes for both Veda & Divya Prabhanda are offered for Adults via Zoom – see details below.

Virtual Introduction to Vedas classes online – Thursdays at 7:30 pm (EST)
For information and registration of online Veda classes please see: nyganeshtemple.org/vedas/

Virtual Divya Prabhanda classes online – Tuesdays at 7:30 pm (EST)
For information and registration of online Divya Prabhanda classes please see: nyganeshtemple.org/divya-prabhanda/

Questions? Please contact Sri Ravi Vaidyanaat Sivachariar at (718) 460-8484 ext. 107 or email: ravi.v@nyganeshtemple.org

veda-divya prabhanda online