Online Virtual Classes for both Veda & Divya Prabhanda are offered for Adults via Zoom – see details below.
Announcement of commencement of the 2024-25 Academic session for Veda & Divya Prabhanda class:
The next academic session of the Veda and Divya Prabhanda Online Virtual Classes will begin on the auspicious Vijaya Dasami Day – Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 7:30 PM (EST) via Zoom. Following this, Divya Prabhanda classes will take place every Tuesday, and Veda classes every Thursday at 7:30 PM EST. Please register early!
Course curriculum for the academic sessions are as follows:
Divya Prabhanda: Mudalãyiram, the first part of the nãlãyira divya prabhandam comprising one thousand divine hymns (pãsurams) composed by saints periyãzhwar, ãndãl, kulasekhara ãzhwar, thirumazhisai ãzhwar, thondaradippodi ãzhwar, tiruppan ãzhwar and madurakavi ãzhwar.
Veda: Gaṇapati atharvašeersha upanishat with phala stuti, šri rudram-namakam-chamakam with lagunyãsam, šri suktam, purusha suktam, durga suktam, medha suktam, nilã suktam, bhu suktam, bhãgya suktam.
Our goal and mission is to bring you an inspiring, challenging and enlightened experience in learning to chant the Veda Mantras and Divya Prabhanda. We hope that you will participate in all the great studies of this ancient Vedic tradition directly through our learned priests.
Virtual Introduction to Vedas classes online – Thursdays at 7:30 pm (EST)
For information and registration of online Veda classes please see:
Virtual Divya Prabhanda classes online – Tuesdays at 7:30 pm (EST)
For information and registration of online Divya Prabhanda classes please see:
Questions? Please contact Sri Ravi Vaidyanaat Sivachariar at (718) 460-8484 ext. 107 or email: