Šri Mahã Lakshmi

Šri Mahã (great) Lakshmi, She is the counterpart or the šakti or female energy of Šri Vishnu. Šri Lakshmi is also portrayed as the personification of beauty and prosperity. She is the Goddess of Wealth, Who blesses us with everything we value in this life, including divine grace, material wealth, children, company of good people, etc. Her benevolent grace could help us cherish what is given to us and to prioritize our lives accordingly.

Utsava Mahã Lakshmi : To the right of Šri Mahã Lakshmi’s Sanctum, along the wall are smaller sanctums for the various idols called festival or utsava moorthis. These are moved to their designated places and celebrated during dedicated festive days.  In the first enclosure is Šri utsava Mahã Lakshmi. This idol is a smaller version of the granite stone idol.

Sri utsava Maha Lakhsmi
