Notice to Devotees – Temple Timings

As of November 1, 2022 

Reopening of the Temple

Temple Timings are as follows:
Monday thru Friday: 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Saturdays & Sundays: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM

Please note: ALL DEVOTEES visiting the Temple :

  • Face Masks are recommended to enter the Temple.
  • Chanting or singing by anyone other than the Temple priests, is strictly prohibited while inside the Mahã Mantapam.
  • Connecting and/or charging of cell phones, laptops or other portable electronic devices to any power outlets within the Temple premises is strictly prohibited.
  • Timings for admittance are subject to change at the discretion of the Temple Management, before visiting the Temple please check this page for updates or contact the Temple directly at (718) 460-8484 ext. 112.

Entry Restrictions:
– Have recently been exposed to someone with COVID19, have a fever, cold or flu like symptoms.

For the safety of all devotees and our staff – MASKS OR FACE COVERING ARE RECOMMENDED. 

Before entering the Temple:
Wash your hands & feet (in the provided washing area – located in the Temple basement)

In the Mahã Mantapam / Main hall / Prasadam distribution hall:

  • DO NOT touch the Deities or Sannidhi Walls.
  • Devotees are advised not to touch ANYTHING with their hands.
  • Please DO NOT socialize or interact with other devotees while inside the Temple.
  • Homemade, outside cooked food or any edible items cannot be distributed to anyone in the Temple premises.
  • Dravyas such as milk, fruits, flowers, honey, etc. will be accepted. Please leave these items in the basket placed at the respective sannidhis – please note: usage or acceptance will be at the discretion of the Temple Management & Temple Priests, subject to limitations or restrictions.
  • Vibhooti and Kumkum prasadam available upon request, at the Counter.

Religious services:

  • Devotees are advised to be cautious by not touching any of the Pooja material.
  • Please do not give anything to the priest with your hands.

We seek cooperation from every one during this challenging time.

Please continue to offer donations and support the Temple.

Please call the Temple at: (718) 460 8484 ext. 112 for booking services, religious schedules and live streaming info.

  • Weekly live-streaming schedules – see here
  • Schedule of religious services – see here

Please continue to support the Temple during these challenging times by donating generously and sponsoring poojas.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Religious Virtual services:
Temple now offers the following virtual priest services:
·  Punyãhavãchanam – (Sanctification ceremony)
·  Nãmakaranam – (Naming ceremony)
·  Annaprãšanam – (First feeding ceremony)
·  Vidyãrambam – (Education)
·  Satyanãrãyana Pooja – (Wisdom)
·  Amãvãsya Tarpanam – Monthly
·  Šrãddham (Hiranya) – Annual
·  Šrãddham (Masikam) – Monthly, during first year – post funeral rites
·  Last Rites (Funeral)

Devotees who wish to book any of the above services may please contact the Temple Counter at (718) 460-8484 ext. 112.  

  • Bookings for Non-Scheduled Day Services – please call the Temple Counter at (718) 460-8484 ext. 112.  
  • Outside Services are suspended until further notice with the exception of the ‘virtual services’ listed above. 

General Tips & Guidelines:
Cover your Cough
Stop the Spread of Germs
