Vaikuntha Ekadasi

Vaikuntha Ekãdaši Celebrations

The significance of Vaikuntha Ekãdaši could be traced back to the Padma Purãna one of the 18  purãnas. For those who are with a pure heart, the gates of Lord Maha Vishnu’s spiritual world (the gate of Vaikuntha) are always open. However it is widely believed that on Vaikuntha Ekãdaši day it is open to all devotees. To recall this instance, on this day, in every temple, Lord Maha Vishnu’s deity is decorated and brought in a procession to a mantapam with a special entrance known as Swarga Vãsal (heaven’s gate). Devotees enter through this gate and have darshan of gorgeously decorated deity of Lord Maha Vishnu.

Like all Ekãdaši days, devotees fast on this day and observe vigil the whole night chanting šlokas and bhajans of Lord Maha Vishnu.    

| Om Namo Narayanaya |

December 22, 2023 (Friday)*
8:00 am – Vaikuntha Dwãra Pooja, Višwaroopa Daršanam.
8:30 am – Šri Vishnu Sahasranãma Pãrãyanam.
9:00 am – Ashta-Dhala Pãda Padmãrãdhana, Sãtumarai, Hãrati.
4:30 pm – Acchidra Pãrãyanam (Vedam), Sãtumarai, Hãrati.
6:30 pm – Dwãdaša Pushpa Mandala Ãrãdhana, Pushpayãgam, Hãrati.

*Scheduled Šri Mahã Lakshmi Abhishekam will be at 8:30 am instead of 6:00 pm

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