Dhanurmasa Pooja

Dhanurmãsa Pooja

Mrigašira or Mrigaširsha or Mãrgazhi is the ninth month of the Hindu calendar.  It is also denoted as Dhanur month as sun’s entry into Sagittarius (Dhanur rãši) and stays there for 30 days.  Ãgama text narrates on Ushakkãla pooja as this month is treated as ushakkãla (dawn/early morning) for devas. In Bhagavat Gita ch. 10 verse 35, Lord Krishna declares, “I manifest the most in the month of Mrigaširsha…” prompting us to concentrate on devotional activities and austerities in this month.  Devotional poems from Thiruvempãvai (praising Lord Šiva) and Thiruppãvai (praising Lord Vishnu) are sung at dawn in the context of pãvai(vow) or vrata (austerities) throughout this month, to seek peace, prosperity, happiness, eternal bliss and divine grace.

December 15, 2024 (Sunday) thru January 13, 2025 (Monday)

*in lieu of Šri Venkatešwara Suprabhãtamm
*7:40 am – Thirupalli Ezhuchi & Thiruppãvai for Šri Venkatešwara will be recited
7:40 am – Thiruvempãvai for Šri Šiva will be recited
8:00 am – Šri Šiva Abhishekam

8:00 am – Šri Maha Vallabha Ganapati Abhishekam (except on Sunday at 11:00 am)


Devotees may sponsor the following religious service online or over phone by calling: (718) 460 8484 ext. 112.

