Temple Events Calendar
(For daily / weekly pooja schedules, please see here.)
Sri Sani Pravesam
March 29, 2025
Saturn moving from Kumbha Rãši (Aquarius) to Meena Rãši (Pisces)
March 29, 2025 (Saturday)
11:00 am Šri Šani Parihãra Homam, Poornãhuti.
12:15 pm Šri Navagraha Abhishekam, Upachãram, Hãrati.
Scheduled Navagraha Abhishekam will be at 12:15 pm instead of 9:00 am
Transit of Planet Šani (Saturn) occurs every three years. Prayers and other spiritual practices appease the cosmic forces which enhance the positive and diminish any evil effects indicated by planetary movements.
Please click flyer below for details & schedule:
Devotees may sponsor the following religious services online. You may also sponsor at the Temple counter or over phone by calling: (718) 460 8484 ext 112.