
Temple Events Calendar

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Ekadasa Rudra Parayanam

March 18, 2017

Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam  - Chanting of Šri Rudram eleven times

What is Šri Rudram?
Šri Rudram is a powerful ancient hymn in praise of Lord Šiva. It is part of the Krishna Yajur Veda.

Why do we chant Šri Rudram?
It is intensely devotional in nature. Chanting Šri Rudram would generate intense divinely vibrations, increasing the sanctity of the Temple, and also elevating our mind to a higher plane. It is said to purify our minds and remove all our difficulties.

What does Šri Rudram made up of?
Šri Rudram consists of two parts –
(1) ekãdaša anuvākams (eleven sections) of Namakam (repeated use of the word namo), which invoke and worship the various names and attributes of Lord Šiva.
(2) ekãdaša anuvākams (eleven sections) of Chamakam (repeated use of the words cha mé), which lists our ‘wishes’.

What is Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam?
Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam is the chanting of Šri Rudram eleven times in a certain pattern. All eleven sections of namakam are chanted followed by the first of the eleven sections of chamakam. This pattern is repeated ten more times with each of the other ten sections of chamakam.

During the eleventh time, an abhishekam (Sacred bath) is offered to Lord Šiva. After the abhishekam, Lord Šiva is reverently decorated with divinely attire, garlands and jewelry. He is then honored with the ashtottara šata nãmã archana (the chanting of 108 descriptive attributes of Lord Šiva) while offering flowers or akshatai (raw rice applied with turmeric) every time the word namaha is chanted after a name of Lord Šiva.The concluding ritual is the hãrati - the waving of the lamp in a circular motion in front of the Lord to receive His Divine grace.

How long does Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam take?
About 2 hours 45 minutes from the start of the Pãrãyanam to the hãrati.

How often is the Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam scheduled?
This is scheduled for once a month. Please see below for the next sessions of Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam.

What time does Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam take place?
Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam starts at 4 p.m. on the day of the session.

Does the Temple offer classes to formally learn Rudram?
Yes, chanting of Šri Rudram is taught by Temple priests every Thursday at 7:15 pm. All are welcome. Please bring your own copy of Šri Rudram.

How to sponsor Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam?
Sponsoring Ekãdaša Rudra Pãrãyanam is an auspicious activity to seek the blessings of Lord Siva. You may sponsor one session of Pãrãyanam for a donation of $51. Please contact the Temple office at: (718) 460 8484 ext 112 for more info.

Event Place:

Maha Mantapam

Saturday, March 18th, 2017 - 4:00 PM

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