Sri Ayyappa Mandala Pooja

Šri Ayyappa Mandala Pooja

Šri Ayyappa is Hari Hara Putra (son of both Lords Vishnu who appeared as Mohini and Šiva). He is known to inspire discipline and self-denial in His devotees, which promotes spiritual awareness. An annual ritual for His ardent devotee starts with the Šri Ayyappa Mandala (48 days) Pooja and ends with a pilgrimage (if possible) to His ancient Temple on top of Sabari Hill mid-January, during which period the devotee abstains from certain indulgences. Some of the basic vrata requirements for the Mandala Pooja are to adhere to strict codes of conduct, to abstain from certain luxuries, and engage in regular prayers, etc. This vrata builds inner strength needed for spiritual growth

November 16, 2022 (Wednesday) – Šri Ayyappa Mandala Pooja begins

Makara Sankrãnti (Pongal) – Šri Ayyappa Pooja
January 14, 2023 (Saturday)
7:30 am – Šri Ayyappa Suprabhãtam.
8:00 am – Ãditya Hridayam & Aruna Pãrãyanam (Soorya Namaskãra Mantrãs).
9:00 am – Šri Navagraha Abhishekam, Pooja, Hãrati.
4:30 pm – Kettu Nirackal (Iru Mudi Pooja)
6:00 pm – Šri Ayyappa Abhishekam, Archana, Upachãram, Hãrati.

Makara Sankrãnti (Pongal) & Šri Ayyappa Pooja

Makara Sankrãnti, when the Sun changes its direction Northwards (uttarãyana). Uttarãyana Punya kãlã, which lasts for the first half of the year, is considered more auspicious for leaving one’s body than dakshinãyana. It is mentioned in the Mahãbhãrata that Bheeshma, the grand sire of the Kuru dynasty, waited for Makara Sankrãnti to discard his body.

Pongal, a harvest festival expressing gratitude to the Sun God for the agricultural abundance. The day before Pongal is celebrated as Bhogi, when the house is cleaned up and the refuse is sometimes burned, symbolically getting rid of the old and welcoming new hope.

Devotees may watch the LIVE Telecast on: or

Attention Sri Ayyappa devotees – those who want to have their malas blessed (mala dharanam) can have it done throughout the above period during Temple hours. Please note: Those interested must come to pick up Sri Ayyappa Mudra Mala – for further information call the Temple directly at (718) 460-8484 ext 112. 


Devotees may sponsor the following religious service online. You may also sponsor or over phone by calling: (718) 460 8484 ext. 112.